Why it's bad for the back and neck

We have heard enough on the fact that the most terrible pain in the back and the neck can occur due to the fault of the herniated disc, and if you experience a sharp pain, go see a doctor awaiting a terrible sentence. However, the myths of imminent pain hernia exaggerated: the hernia is not often the cause of pain in the back and neck, although many of the elderly in the pictures at the same time also a couple of 3-4 mm of hernias. And from where then you experience the strong sensations of pain in the neck and back, even in young people?

The pain in the neck and back

The causes of pain in the back and neck

Back pain and neck appear most frequently due to muscle spasms and joint subluxations vertebrae. Unfortunately, the diagnosis of the muscles and joints in the product, we do not have enough good. The minimum of the hernia and protrusion immediately detected by CT and mri, while the subluxations and displacement of the vertebrae often remain unnoticed. Electromyography , which allows to identify a clear different in muscle tone, often does not take place at all.

How and why may experience muscle spasms or abnormal spinal subluxations? Can be are possible only lifting weights or only occur after trauma or injury of the spine?

The fact is that this can happen to absolutely any and almost imperceptible.

Muscle spasms can grow in the course of all life in and of itself cause the movements in the spine, and distortions

Muscle spasms of the back and neck

The push to muscle spasms can be completely resting things:

  • Permanent uncomfortable thesis posture in the sitting position
  • The second reason is due to sudden movements and disproportionate physical (refers in particular to lovers of independent repairs and zealous cottagers): spasm of the muscles in the thoracolumbar-lumbar department of the back can occur because of wearing weights on the outstretched in front of himself and hands; the pain and tension in the muscles, lumbo-sacral occurs because of attempts to lift the heavy from the position of tilt
  • The third reason — muscle inflammation (myositis) for a reason elementary hypothermia. You probably all know the back pain in the area of the neck or back resulting from the disastrous current of air. Oddly enough, this happens more often in the summer than in the winter. The reason of this provision, air-conditioned, with exposed equally wrong thermal (with the too large difference between the outside and the temperatures)

The symptoms of pain in the neck and back

  1. Cervical myositis (sometimes referred to as the neckband sciatica) causes back pain, walking on a side: from the head through the ear to the shoulder and arm
  2. Back pain in the thoracic back are ribs in the form of pain in the throat. The localization in the left part of the chest door to simulate a heart attack
  3. Lumbar back pain (low back pain) are shown at the side. When the inflammation itself sciatic nerve occurs an acute attack of pain, "sciatica", in which the pain extends from the buttock and below on the rear part of the thigh and of the calf literally the plant
The pain in the neck

The mechanism of the onset of muscle pain

Because the pain arising in the muscles, often treated is not easy, given that the first attack is able to pass to himself? And why hurt the muscles?

The pain is so insidious phenomenon, which reminds the beast, which woke up. While he sleeps, all is well. But it is worth to awake him out of sleep, problems to no end.

If arising from muscle spasm in the neck and back affects pass through the muscles, the nerves, turns on the reflex mechanism of pain, reminiscent of the infernal boomerang:

  • A pinched nerve multiply muscle spasm (this is their natural protective reaction to pain)
  • Again, a muscle spasm, also in this case, irritates the nerve and it all goes to the infinite circle

The pain is I simply can't cease because of the constant glare of irritation.

The treatment of muscle pain in the back and the neck

Promotes the development of chronic pain syndrome and the wrong treatment:

  • Heat packs on the pain area, a warm bath, rubbing at the beginning lead to apparently relief, but then the swelling of the muscles of the back and neck even more increases and intensifies the pain
  • In the possession of the gymnastics, even with superior traction exercises during the exacerbations can also lead to a deterioration, as well as the reaction, and without that the tense muscles under the influence of the additional workload can be unpredictable. In some cases, they can relax, in the other — becomes even more tense
  • A similar reaction can occur during a massage

Flattened the muscles very hard to the touch, and the man himself is extremely difficult to bend-unbend, rotate the neck, to raise and divert to the hand.

The treatment of muscle spasms and acute pain must be sent as much as possible, a more rapid resolution of the pain

For this is assigned to a week of bed rest, and play:

  1. Five-to-seven day rate of pain relief drugs drugs
  2. With a wide pain field have been made novocaine or Lidocainum block
  3. Sessions of post-isometric relaxation — very effective static exercises to relieve pain
  4. Chiropractic care and acupuncture, on the condition that it is performed by qualified personnel
  5. Myofascial massage with stimulus trigger (pain) points

The Trigger point and the area of pain do not always coincide:

  • Back pain and the muscle is inserted to the very bottom and not back and front

The movement of the joints of the vertebrae of the back and neck

Displacement (subluxation) of the joints of the vertebrae — and not-so-rare phenomenon. Trigger can:

  • The trauma of the spine, but also in a normal family: a fall, a blow, a bad landing on feet, etc
  • A strong inclination, rotation of the neck and trunk with an angle too large
  • Continuous muscle spasm, stabbing, vertebrae

The diagnosis of displacement of the joints

If subluxation occurs after a fall or a negative dynamics, the diagnostics can be sudden and prolonged does not pass the pain. During the offset, you can feel the clunk or a click

  • The surprise factor of the pain should alert the physician, as well as osteochondrosis or herniated chronic pain and is present in a certain number of years
  • If subluxation occurs because of muscles, to diagnose the most difficult, as well as the movement develops gradually and manifests itself by the gradual accumulation of pain and immobility

Movement of the joints may not give vivid clinical picture, except when this occurs the transition phases:

  • The Cervico-thoracic
  • Thoracolumbar
  • Lumbosacral

In each department there are the medium for further signs of displacement of a vertebra:

At the cervical level:

  • It hurts and makes your head spin in a semi-unconscious state
  • The blackout, the viewfinder in front of the eyes, noise in the ears
  • The curvature of the neck
  • Weakness in the hands, burning sensation and numbness in the fingers (syndrome cervico-brachial plexus)

In the womb:

  • The epidemic of the daggers of pain between the shoulder blades, extending into chest and abdomen

These symptoms — the most common cause of hospitalization in patients with suspected myocardial infarction, ulcers and even appendicitis.

To establish that the chest pain is not due to a heart attack, it is quite simple: After taking validol or nitroglycerin attack pain does not pass

In the lumbar spine of:

  • Sharp back pain along the thigh, the belly and the groin, This happens when subluxation of the vertebra in the upper lumbar spine with due to crushing of the femoral nerve
  • Back pain along the entire back of the leg, starting with the buttocks
  • Numbness, feeling, that reduces the legs or are takenof These phenomena speak of jamming of the sciatic nerve with subluxation of the vertebra to the lower lumbar of the back

Treatment subluxations joints

What is the optimal treatment of dislocation of the vertebra has its correction, which is carried out with the help of osteopathy and manual therapy. The cheering didn't cease until the vertebra will not go to their original place

Unfortunately, the real intelligent osteopaths and therapists manuals, able to keep competent to reposition the vertebra, very little.

  1. Start the treatment is necessary for the compulsory relief of pain drugs, anti-inflammatory means
  2. Therefore, it is recommended to the competent session of manual therapy
  3. But chiropractic care is not self-sufficient method of treatment, and to save his effect, the necessary measures to strengthen the diseased area of the spine. This can be achieved by strengthening the muscles and restoring their balance with the help of:
    • Strengthening physical activity
    • Massage
    • Electro-myostimulation

The cervical and lumbar spine, low back pain

With time, chronic cervical myositis leads to osteochondrosis, and he, unlike hernia, is a very frequent cause of pain in the neck and a phenomenon quite common among the very young.

  • The symptoms of cervical arthritis include and vegetovascular violation, when a pain in the neck and under the shoulder and the region of the shoulder, hand, are added to the signs of violations of cerebral circulation
  • Same pain, and muscle spasms Can-the lumbar area like a sunburn, and then in the chronic form they complain of pain alternate with the sensation as if you lose your legs. Gait becomes uncertain: a man literally walks on bent
A chiropractor

If with osteochondrosis of the cervical patients usually go to the doctor with the complaint, that the headache, the lumbar part of the alleged cause is already far below, and you complain already begin to "paralysis of the legs".

Muscle spasm in the lumbar area causes spasm and contraction of the blood vessels, which decreases blood flow to all the organs that are under the problem phase, including the legs. From here one has the feeling of numbness in the extremities

If the pain in the neck and back, despite treatment, has not gone for a week, there is reason to suspect the illness is more serious: the movement of the joints in the spine or a herniated intervertebral disc.

The pain from herniated disc

Finally, we came to herniated disc - source more intense pain in the cervical and lumbar spine, and the neck even more dangerous phenomenon, to say the pre-eminent role of the neck as the main "decline" for the vertebral artery.

Syndrome painful hernia and really the most painful and long, as he is called due to crushing of a spinal nerve. But this disease does not occur on a blank spot and always secondary

Usually pathology above:

  • The long processes dystrophic vertebral column, for example, back pain
  • Disorders of muscle function (the more pain and cramps in certain muscle groups)
  • Injury and other diseases

In this way, the expression "I suddenly have a hernia" wrong, even if the output for the victim is often a complete surprise. But we also need here the coincidence of different factors:

  • The increase of gravity in an awkward position
  • A sudden movement "there is"
  • Fall to her feet or the coccyx, etc.

The formation of hernia does not always lead to pain:

  • The front hernia directed in the direction opposite to that of the spinal cord and do not touch the nerve
  • Hernia vertices of schmorl, who is so fond of scaring the doctors, often absolutely asymptomatic, as it occurs with vertical compression of hyaline cartilage or the intervertebral disc in the body of the vertebra. Also in this case, it is not possible to contact with the nerve

The danger they represent only hind hernia

If the sore back and neck, perform a thorough diagnosis.

They are very frequent cases in which the man is to cure the hernia, and in the photo is really there, but to be the cause of the pain can not, as well as missing the main reason: the compression of the nerve. The position of the hernia excludes such a possibility

But a person with the back pain, and still insisted on treating the "hernia" and also in the operating room. And the causes of pain may actually be subluxation, and locking of the vertebrae or muscle spasm.