Back pain: causes, symptoms, complications, treatment

Often a person happens to a pathological condition in which the backache and the headache-like pain. This is a consequence of the close relationship of these two departments, which are linked by a single nervous system – the most important departments of brain and spinal cord. Often the cause of the pain is at a price more anatomical features of the human body. The head joins the body with the help of the cervical spine, which contains a lot of small binding ligaments and muscles. The arteries that feed the head, take their origin in the back, because when diseases of the department of an activity in vogue is the expression of pain in the head.

the pain in the back and the head

Communication back pain and head

For the understanding of the processes of pain, it is necessary to know the anatomy of the body. The head is one of the most important departments in it is the brain, which is responsible for human thought, and the functioning of internal organs. With the help of the cord connects to the spine. The spinal cord is a long organ, consisting of nervous tissue. The axons and dendrites are interwoven between them, forming the conduction system of the spinal cord. Between the brain and the spinal cord still connect and system of the cerebrospinal fluid, which supports necessary for the functioning of these organs and the environment.

Because the disease damage to the spinal cord, and the spinal column, often damaged in the head and the brain. Why the pain in the departments of the back and the head are frequent phenomenon. The diseases that cause pain, refer to:


Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine, often because of the crushing of surrounding tissues will cause a lot of discomfort and pain. Curved backs or right, or left, by changing a form lying vertebrae. Often when a person has a headache, because the spinal cord is not correct, and stretched.

Also occurs the crushing of the nerve roots that exit from the spinal column. Develops the pain syndrome, which is dangerous to the development of hotbeds of crisis in the brain. If the pain is left untreated it can cause epilepsy, and the time constant migraines. The time important to consult a doctor and wear the corset, that will allow you to stop the curvature.

Migraine occurs because of circulatory disorders in the cervical pool. Regardless of the original location of the scoliosis, it changes the tone of the blood vessels, which can increase or decrease the amount delivered to the blood. The most vulnerable are the muscles of the neck.


Meningitis is an infectious disease. Affects the upper shell spinal cord and brain. The disease is extremely heavy, it causes a sharp pain, temperature, tremor of the limbs. If the time does not start treating the disease, can lead to damage to the nervous tissue of the brain and spinal cord.

The damage of the fabric causes almost non-reversible processes – the person loses intelligence, often influenced functional of the kernel, which are responsible for the processes of respiration and heartbeat. Rare cases are without long rebuilding processes, applications of strong antibiotics and decontamination the immunity of human.

The disease extends from the spinal cord to the head because of a common system of cerebrospinal fluid. In case of damages, the immunity and the blood-brain barrier, the disease spreads to the brain. It also works in reverse.

The man during the initial stage of meningitis with damage to the blood-brain barrier is felt, that he had the back pain and headaches. The pain can be compared with the sore throat inflamed – inflammatory processes and cause swelling and pain throughout the spine and the head.

The concomitant treatment of pain


The treatment begins with determining the cause. The patient must formulate correctly the claim, in order not to introduce the doctors of deception. Begin the examination with the head, and after with the back. Using x-rays, duplex-blood. When the back pain may assign ULTRASOUND of the abdomen. Then the contraindications, the results of the survey and already structured the story to prescribe a treatment. Almost always it includes anti-inflammatory medications, massage, holding blocks, which relieve the pain. You need to follow the instructions of your doctor and not listen to the advice of someone – often the evil and stop healing.