The use of a good posture. How to save during the day, the correct posture?

A sedentary lifestyle, low physical activity pursues many of the citizens from childhood. At the end of 50 years of evolution, mass diseases, the leader amongst which are diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, cancer and osteoporosis. Of enormous importance for our body has the proper functioning of the musculoskeletal system. Today we look for a correct posture to health and a successful life. Here's how to form scoliosis of the spine, will give you useful tips and exercises. After reading our article, you will learn how to develop the posture and prevent the development of diseases back.

That is the posture. Signs of a correct posture

It is time to say that it is a posture. In the literature of the country so called the posture habitual to ease a person in the walk, which he accepts without particular muscular tension. According to the american writer D. Bancroft posture is "innate way of keeping the body, especially in the standing position".

Describing a healthy spine, usually show the following signs of a correct posture: the upright position the head, the raised chin, the neck and shoulder angles, and educated the lateral surface of the neck, are the same. In this way, the shoulders are on the same level, a little bit lowered and divorced. Distinguish and another important sign – the rib cage is symmetrical to the median line.

Among the many signs of a correct posture is necessary to highlight the symmetrical arrangement of the belly. In addition, the blades must be equidistant from the spine and pressed. Note that the lower corners of the blades as this is on a single level.


How to maintain the health of young people. Damage from incorrect posture

Today more and more people begin to think of how to maintain the health of young people. Not the least role in the prevention of diseases plays in understanding damage by incorrect posture. What is dangerous? The habit of holding the back does not adjust leads to the fact that the internal organs of the abdominal and chest cavity move, they begin to work.

People with bad posture, the range of the process of breathing decreases, worsens the blood circulation, and sometimes pinched nerves. Frequent headaches, you develop chronic fatigue. Va also has a negative impact on the nervous system, which can lead to depression.

The wrong position of the body, make a habit of it, involves a change of shape of the vertebral column, thoracic cage, which is reflected on the function of the lower limbs, which form a flat foot. In children with curvature of the spine, the worse it works the entire muscle-skeletal system, grows the risk of getting hurt. Also begin to act limits to engage in some sports, where it turns out the high pressure on the vertebrae.

In addition, poor posture accelerates the aging process of the body. As is well known, after the completion of the development of the body begin to function the destructive processes. It is not a secret that already at the age of 50 years, the majority of people osteoporosis. Worsens the condition of the tissue of the bones, washed in calcium salts, which is often the cause of fractures.

But the damage from bad posture is not restricted. Together with the excess weight, scoliosis is a serious danger. Increases the likelihood of the onset of degenerative disc disease. This is a disease that affects the cartilage of the intervertebral disc.

The strength of the correct posture – the success in business. Why is it so important to be able to maintain themselves?

Sure, we've all heard this expression: real coach. It is believed that this concept is derived from the word "sun", which indicates a high rank and important position. In this way, can be traced back to the semantic relationship between the condition in society, and the ability to maintain control. As a person that observes the life, stronger, begins to believe in the virtues of a correct posture.

Studies have been conducted that scientifically demonstrated that there is the influence of the posture of the process of formation of the personality. In particular, the ability to keep well to themselves – success in business. It turned out that the skinny man exudes confidence, it is easier to establish a contact with people. The curvature of the spine reflects negatively not only on health, but also for the psychological state. Not surprisingly, in all the times of the military service following the posture of the soldiers. Especially strictly fall in tsarist Russia. But today, in any army of the world also know the power of correct posture. To verify this, just compare the photos of the recruits and the guys after the demobilization.

The figure of a man, who is able to hold, slim. His gait is beautiful, but all the steps are precise. At the same time, seems confident and relaxed. And on the contrary, a person with a wrong posture, usually, clumsy, its action is imperfect. At a subconscious level and the more reliable the skinny man, rather than slouching. The figure also is the first thing to pay attention to when dating. And change this impression will be not at all easy. Scientists have shown that words account for only 5 -10 % of our communication. All the rest is gestures, facial expressions, appearance, tone of voice, pitch, voice, etc.

Due to incorrect posture

As we have already said before, the most important factor, that causes bend over, is the lack of physical exercise. And also the lessons of physical education are not a panacea. The fact is that children are often incorrectly seated behind his desk, raising one shoulder higher than the other. In the end, many students come out from the walls of the alma mater with scoliosis. Among the other causes are bad posture it should be called:

  • the excess of weight;
  • pregnancy;
  • wear high-heeled shoes;
  • weak physical development;
  • congenital defects of the body;
  • excessively rapid development (muscle growth delay compared to the growth of the skeleton);
  • osteochondropathy.

According to experts, up to the age of 17 years – the most important for the formation of the skeleton healthy. Even a small deviation in the position of the body, that becomes a habit, at this time is extremely dangerous.


The types of spinal curvatures

Then, if the child does not take the back straight, and moves very little, and overcharged a hand, in his body develop dangerous processes. There are three types of spinal curvatures: lordosis, kyphosis and scoliosis. Note that the first two types of changes are natural and pathological. Lordosis is a flexion of the spine forward, that we are all of the people at the cervical level and lumbar. Kyphosis – flexion of the vertebral column is, which occurs in the chest area, and also in the department of the sacrum and the coccyx. Pathological lordosis and kyphosis are different from physiological changes only to the degree of curvature.

There is also the scoliosis or the lateral curvature of the spine. Considered to be, you experience the lack of training the muscles of the back. This type of spinal curvatures all over the world today is considered to be a serious disease, which leads to a deterioration of the function of many organs. Determined that the scoliosis occurs, and develops in youth, and then treat the better up to 20 years, while the vertebrae are still not bad. In the older age groups to get rid of this disease is extremely difficult.

Incredible, but many parents, seeing the child curvature of the spine, does not confer value. Their argument is usually well – child walks in the sports section (attend the lessons of physical education), then everything will be fine. But this approach is not only not justified, but it can also lead to dangerous diseases such as back pain or osteoporosis. If the child is not properly held on the back with an irregular, sits down at the table – it is an opportunity to visit an orthopedic doctor or surgeon.

How you can solve disorders of posture?

Then, how can we solve disorders of posture? For this you need to constantly monitor, back straight and shoulders distributed ago. The head needs to keep straight and the eyes focused on the horizon. The chest should be disclosed so that the distance between the ribs was the maximum. We offer a series of recommendations, with which it is possible to greatly improve the posture:

  • every day you make the charge;
  • sleeping on a hard, flat surface bed;
  • relax after the physical activity lying down;
  • swim style frog on the back;
  • please do not hesitate to carry out the production of gymnastics;
  • visit a massage therapist.

Even if you exceed 20 years, however, it is possible to correct posture. Important is to set a goal and work regularly on himself. Of course, if the scoliosis of 3 degrees of these measures can not do, you need the recommendation of a specialist. Usually, in these cases, it is prescribed to wear corsets special, treatments physiotherapy and remedial physical education (physical therapy).

A series of exercises for good posture

If you really want to get a change of form, is necessary, as it is necessary to train the muscles of the neck, shoulders, abdominal muscles, and also muscle, which straightens the spine. You also need to pay attention to the muscles of the legs and buttocks. We offer exercises for good posture.

  • "Tour of the English officers". Need to cuddle with their backs to the wall, without socket armoire or five points: the arrests, the buttocks, the back, the shoulders, the nape of the neck. In this situation it is best to stay 20-30 minutes.
  • Starting position — lying on the floor with your legs straight, keep them together. The hands behind the head, chained in the castle. Then get up at the same time the upper part of the trunk and legs, trying to stay in a high point. Repeat 10 times.
  • Starting position – lying on his belly. Hand to put on a belt, and then deflection around the body, spreading her legs. We inhale and exhale return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.
  • Sitting on the floor, lean on the floor with the hands (behind the back), then raise the legs and by rotational movements (inside) – up to 10 times. Then in the opposite direction 10 times.
  • We get up in walk, lift straight up on the elbows. Then, we try to reach your palms facing to the shoulder blades. Then reduce the blade and the arms in hand. Repeat 10 times.
  • Starting position – lie on the floor face down. It is necessary to attach the foot, pull the toes of the foot. The palm place it under the shoulders and the elbows do to the body. We take a deep breath and slowly lift the box. Try to bend at the chest. The exercise is done at the expense of the muscles in the body, the hands help is not necessary. Try to keep the position for a minute.
  • Starting position – as in the previous exercise. Press your forehead to the floor, pull the neck. Palm put under the shoulders. Then it slowly starts to reduce and raise the shoulder blades. Do 20 reps, and then close the shoulder blades as close as possible and remain in this position for a minute.

Each lesson should begin with a warm-up, to warm up the joints and ligaments.

She told us the favor of a correct posture to health and a life of success, called the chronic disease, which causes curvature of the spine. Some of them, such as low back pain, cure quite difficult. Therefore, to maintain the health of young people, it is necessary from an early age to remember the children on the value of physical education.