Tummy ache gives back

The causes of sore kidneys need to search for in the first place, the inflammatory, destructive, or functional defects of changes. Many patients during the cold season you turn to physicians with complaints of "I hurt the kidneys". The causes of the disease, and what to do in this situation, learn with us!

Because the stomach and me in the back?

Kidney – double-organ of the urinary system of man. They are located on both sides of the spine at the eleventh level of the maternal and the third lumbar vertebra. This is serious enough organ in the human body, and then pain in the kidney area you should definitely pay attention, consult a specialist and start the treatment only after you learn the cause of the pain.

The causes of pain in the lower belly

In such as kidney disease may have stomach pain and give back?

  1. Pyelonephritis is inflammation of renal pelvis may occur a slight pain, which is against the nature in the side, rarely appears on one side, patients often complain about pain in the right and left at the same time, and also the back pain in the kidney area.
  2. Oncology (cancer, malignant tumor) of the kidneys, of course, along with other symptoms the patient feels pain in the projection of kidneys and back pain kidney Cancer occupies 2% of all cancers diseases of different localization. However, benign tumors in the kidney, for example, fibroids, adenoma, accompanied by pain.
  3. Ptosis kidney (nephroptosis kidney left) accompanied by pain in this field, especially when the voltage of the back during the lifting of heavy objects.
  4. Urolithiasis is also accompanied by back pain, especially when driving or loads. Pain have the following nature – appear more and more a feeling of pain in the side with the left hand and in the lower area of the stomach, sensitive to pressure, palpation of the kidneys also feel the pain.
  5. That accompanies the symptoms of the disease is high temperature, nausea, chills, vomiting, frequent urge to urinate.

Similar symptoms can be and do not relate specifically to that organ, the diagnosis of kidney disease is quite complex. Often stomach pain and it gives back also in case of diseases of the spleen, the large intestine. Therefore, it is mandatory to consult a urologist to find out the exact cause of the pain.