8 causes of back pain. For each problem – the treatment

Every person at least once in the life time of back pain. Very often, this symptom does not cause any disturbance, and passing by the only. But there are cases, when ignore it is not so simple. The pain in the back to the right can indicate more serious diseases, rather than normal physical surge. In any case, to avoid disaster, it is necessary to analyze all the possible causes of back pain, and if necessary, consult a doctor.

the pain in the back

The first reason. An awkward position during the work

The asymmetric position of the spine during the operation, the tension of certain muscles at the expense of others, or even just too long "sedentary" mode – all of this can lead to regular back pain after work.

A decision. For this is not successful, the chair in front the desk must have enough hard seat and a straight back. Sit on it you need exactly, keeping your back straight, without bending the back, and not by tilting the head down. The height of the table is chosen so that it lies on it's hands bend your elbows to a 90° angle. If you wear glasses, don't have to bend down to the table or, conversely, tilt your head back.

The house is also necessary to avoid "dangerous" poses and awkward movements. Do not wash in the bath, bent over her in three perdition: use the basin, which must be not less than the level of the elbows. Not worth the effort of washing the floors "crab" (bent) – only the broom, and with a fairly long handle. If it is not possible to reach a place, the better to kneel.

In the bathroom In the penalty attached to the wall, the handle. Mounted above the bath and beside the toilet, allows you to sit, stand up and exit the water without excessive stress on the muscles of the back. At the same time will not slip on slippery tiles or enamel.

When you brush your teeth and wash it, do not stand over the sink, bending the back. Better sit down on a stool, or lift the sink in the bathroom the same as the optimum height below the elbows.

The second reason. Back tired from overload

Reasonable to give back a bit of rest, when fatigue has not yet manifested in full force. Even if the posture is convenient, the muscles that are in the same position and reduced to the voltage at the end will put pressure on the nerve endings and cause discomfort.

A decision. If the fatigue caused by a long standing or sitting, the rest is first of all in change of posture. The task is to relax the muscles. For this it is good to lie down, raise your legs. And if this is not possible, quietly walk five-six minutes.

The reason for the third. The muscles of the back are weakened and with the difficulty of coping with the vertical position

The back muscles need to train regularly, in order to support the spine without effort, with the age, when sedentary style of life becomes more and more difficult.

A decision. The easiest way to walk. If time were not going to walk, start with a half-hour too do not get tired. Help special gymnastics complexes for the back muscles, yoga, swimming is not about speed, but for pleasure, aqua-gym. But with the equipment must be handled with extreme caution – they can give unwanted heavy load of work.

The reason for this is the fourth. The distress causes an uncomfortable posture during the night when you sleep

The bed should be comfortable, which allows the muscles to relax. If they do not rest at night, always maintaining the same curvature of the spine, that they had to "hold" from day to day, pain can appear in the morning.

A decision. Sometimes the pain in the lumbar area of the back just helps a pillow or a cushion – in liquidation flexion of the spine, which makes you strain the muscles of the back, and rest for the night. If the back pain regularly, can not do other than a orthopedic mattress – you can relieve the load with your back. And it's not worth saving, it is better to buy a product of a famous company of proven quality. It is possible and if make sure that the mattress is not false: put on a big plastic bottle with mineral and sit on a distance of 30-35 cm from her. The bottle must not fall. There are also anatomical, taking on the form of the body orthopedic. They are perfectly download the muscles, even if they are very expensive. However, they are designed not for sleeping, and not very long lying down.

The reason of one-fifth. Heavy bags

With a sudden or excessive loading on the spine are affected first of all the intervertebral discs are compressed, sometimes pressing the nerve roots. The pain of hell, and it's better to take into consideration once such experiments – it is not for you.

A decision. That raises from the floor the gravity, it is not possible to do this shot, with the legs straight. Then the whole burden falls exactly on the lower part of the back. In front of a heavy object to sit down, straighten the back and already so, with your back straight, gently "carry the weight". When you need to bend down, the legs should be slightly bend at the knees. Bend the straight legs can also be dangerous for the back. Reduce the risk of special elastic in the waist, supporting your lower back. If it is not managed to avoid the pain, they must be processed long enough: take the pill, pain killers, rubbing the sore spot ointments. Better to do it after the visit to a neurologist. Help and physiotherapy and massage rooms – not in the early days of aggravation, and a little bit later.

The reason of the sixth. Pregnancy and childbirth

In women during pregnancy and childbirth, the load on the spine increases by 2-4 times. Then grew up the child firmly hung around the time of my mother. And in a year, usually, is 12-14 kg. It is not surprising that the back does not hold.

A decision. During pregnancy you need to wear a support bandage, a style which best to speak with an expert. And after the birth must not be overlooked bandages, and sometimes the belt special, which is fixed to the lower part of the back. Them, among other things, well use for any physical activity. When you do any household chores, especially with a child in her arms, the young mothers useful to ensure, with the help of rubber bands and lifting, that are slightly pulled back shoulders.

The reason for this is the seventh. The back pain during menstruation

the back pain during menstruation

The position of the internal organs due to an increase in the size of the uterus is changed, consequently the muscles, usually support the pelvis and the back to stiffen in a different way, which feels like the discomfort. And if the swollen uterus or other organs. pressure on the roots of vertebrates, the nerves can be very strong pain. If you add to this the load on the muscles and ligaments, tied with a long walk (especially high heels) or sportive exercises, the back does not stand up at the end of the day.

A decision. In the critical days, have pity on yourself, do not do sports, to restrict the engine in the mode. It is also important to wear comfortable shoes, without heel, and possibly 2-3 times a day to take a horizontal position for at least 5 minutes. Not worth even to drink plenty of fluids, and if there is a tendency to edema, this time to take an infusion of uva ursi.

The reason of the octave. Foot hypothermia

If for a day or two before they seemed to walk naked on the cold floor or the ground, took to the streets in thin tights or light shoes, the pain may be associated with inflammation of the ovaries or acute pyelonephritis. Here without a serious intervention the gynecologist, or nephrologist can't do without. If the pain you are added to the strong sensations of a burning sensation during urination – you can cystitis.

A decision. If you previously were of inflammation of the ovaries – signal, very probably came from there, because the pain of the lower abdomen can move in the lower part of the back. You have to go to the gynecologist, who will prescribe an anti-bacterial treatment, plugs or pills that you need to take a week and a half-two. For the future please note that in case of bad weather need more warm clothing, it is better to prefer pants and closed shoes.