Osteochondrosis of the spine: what is it, symptoms and treatment

Osteochondrosis of the vertebral column occurs in the destruction of bone and cartilage of one or more departments of the vertebral column. This disease is chronic and develops in almost all elderly persons. This is due to the normal aging of the body.

The back pain

The intervertebral discs are atrophic changes, and the age at which this happens depends on many factors:

  • injury;
  • the disease and the overload of the spine.

An overload of the vertebral column refers to:

  • walk with the curved back;
  • the wrong seat;
  • features the structure of the spinal column;
  • insufficient nutrition of the tissues of the spine because of an inherited abnormality.

Osteochondrosis of the nucleus, which is located between the vertebrate disks, it loses part of the water. Because of this core occurs a violation of the metabolism and difficult to access, the variety of minerals and vitamins.

After some time on the disc appear to be cracks, which become flat. Via begin to admire the nearby joints and the ligaments, forming the inflammation of the tissues. Due to inflammation occurs moving the adjacent vertebrae. It is dangerous to the advent radicular symptoms: pain in the movement of the nerve affected.

It is also possible the appearance of herniated discs, and she, in turn, may lead to a compression of the spinal cord. For the degenerative disc disease is characterized by the appearance of osteophytes – osteophytes on the bodies of the vertebrae. These growths may compress the spinal cord and cause a syndrome root.

Often osteochondrosis are the cervical and lumbar departments.

Cervical back pain


  1. sports (weight-lifting);
  2. the excess of weight;
  3. disorders of the metabolism;
  4. a sedentary job ( computer programmers, accountants, drivers, etc);
  5. flat foot;
  6. injuries to the spinal column;
  7. hypothermia.

The symptoms

The main symptoms of cervical osteoarthritis – pain in the area of the head and neck. Man worry about severe headaches, pain in the neck, along the hand, pain in the sternum. The patient may complain for back pain – the emergence of a strong pain in the neck, muscle spasm of the muscles and limitation of movement.

Even a man can feel the crunch in the curve of the neck. Because of the crushing of the nerves and blood vessels a person can cause numbness of the tongue and the tip of the fingers. The sick complain of the decrease of hearing and of sight, increased blood pressure, and weakness in the muscles of the arms and legs.

Thoracic back pain

This type of degenerative disc disease is quite rare. It is connected with the anatomical structure of the spinal column. It is composed of 12 vertebrae, which are connected with the lugs for the account of the joints. In front of the edges between them join to the sternum. In this way, is created a very good frame of vertebral column, sternum and ribs, which protects the internal organs from injuries.

Thoracic Vertebra have a small height and long spinous processes, which are located one above the other like tiles. Because of this structure the department of spine has a small mobility. The intervertebral discs of the thoracic are rarely exposed to injury.

Causes of formation of this type of degenerative disc disease:

  • irrational distribution of the load;
  • the delay in the supply of the intervertebral discs;
  • a sedentary job;
  • the presence of scoliosis.

The symptoms

As in the case of other types, the main symptom of degenerative disc disease of the chest is the pain.

But if breastfeeding osteochondrosis, the pain can be different. Dorsalgia – long, uncomfortable and weak feeling of pain in the movement of the thoracic vertebrae. The pain can affect the neck and lumbar area.

Dorigo – one of the signs of degenerative disc disease of the chest, where the pain occurs in the form of a heart attack. For nature is intense, acute, with consequent difficulty of breathing, which leads to restrict the movements of the muscles. In addition to pain, patients may experience numbness in the chest, disorders of the sexual function, pain in the heart, kidneys and stomach.

The danger of a defeat of the department of maternal?

The spine is designed in such a way that in the chest area shrinks, then the hernia that occur due to degenerative disc disease, fast will lead to compression of the spinal cord. It is easy to lead to problems of the heart, the pancreas, the liver, and the kidneys, because the chest the department connected with all these bodies for the nerve fibers. That is why it is very important time to consult a doctor. He will help you understand if where have they gone under the signs of arthritis, and keep an adequate treatment of the disease.

Back pain lumbar

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine occurs because of lifting weights. Normally, in the center of the intervertebral disc is the nucleus, containing a large amount of water. Because of the liquid the nucleus becomes slightly compressible, and for his break need compression at 500 kg.

However, hit osteochondrosis of the disk becomes weak, and its rupture need a total of 200 kg. If a person weighing 70 kg will lift 15 kg of load with the folded in position, and the spine and this is a load of 200 kg, — the intervertebral disc may break. This is why the first symptoms of the degenerative disc disease of the spine manifested during the lifting of weights.

The symptoms

  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • the inability of the movement of the back;
  • sleep disorders;
  • irritability;
  • fatigue;
  • the inability of implementing domestic use;
  • the reduction of the sexual function in men;
  • disorders of the menstrual cycle;
  • the syndrome of "cold feet".

When you switch to the degenerative disc disease and sacral area of the patient there is pain in the area of the kidneys and disorders of urination.


The treatment of degenerative disc disease conducted by a medical neurologist. For a start, it carries out a physical examination of the vertebral column, draws attention to the presence of scoliosis. After the sensitivity the doctor will be able to understand if it hit the spine, the tendons and the nerves.

After the neurologist suspected osteochondrosis of the spine, you will send the patient for further examination. This includes the passage of an x-ray examination, magneto-magnetic resonance imaging. If you suspect that the destruction of the intervertebral disc is held discography. His is prescribed to determine the degree of lesion of the nerve pathways.

Generally the diagnosis of "osteochondrosis of the spine" to put a lot of hard. Because the man can contribute to the pain in the heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas, or sexual dysfunction. And yet, when I review an experienced doctor can suspect the disease and prescribe the right therapy.


The treatment of degenerative disc disease is a very long and difficult process. In the acute period of the patient is necessary for the peace hit segment. If you hit the cervical spine, the patient should wear a collar of fastening of the Pit. If you hurt the lumbar area and the patient is required to rest in bed. It is best to put the patient in the hospital. Only there you will be able to fully comply with the designated mode. The b & b, this patient should be rigid. For this under the mattress, put a shield of wood.

Pharmacological treatment

As mentioned above, the main symptom of the disease is pain. Therefore, the patient for the relief of pain and other symptoms of degenerative disc disease are assigned to the painkillers.

Also are assigned non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Unfortunately, the long-term use of these drugs is the cause of a defeat of the mucosa of the gastro-intestinal tract and the patient will appear the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • the pain in the stomach;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

It can also worsen gastric ulcer, or appear to be bleeding in the stomach. Therefore, before using these medicines, you must consult a doctor. If the pain caused by osteochondrosis, it lasts for 3 months, together with these drugs are assigned to the antidepressants. Established that, in addition to relaxing action, you are able to decrease the pain.

All of the medications listed above can be attributed to a symptomatic therapy. They can help to relieve the pain, but will not save the man from the disease.

For the recovery of the intervertebral discs and the cartilages are assigned chondroprotectors. These drugs enhance the metabolism of connective tissue and promote the repair of cartilage. Drugs take a long period of time, on average — 4 – 6 months.

In addition, the repair of the tissues and improve the metabolism in them, these drugs have analgesic. Another group of drugs needed osteochondrosis of the vertebral column is of drugs that improve the blood circulation. Their application promotes the dilation of blood vessels, and if in a complex with them to take drugs to antioxidants, the man improves the metabolism of the nerve cells.

As with any disease, the patients are required calcium supplements. Is able to restore the activity of the bone tissue, to increase the strength of ligaments and tendons, and will also become the prevention of osteoporosis, a disease that accompanies osteochondrosis.

Exercise with a pillow under the lumbar area

Therapeutic exercise

Dosage of load on the spinal column to improve the state of the patient. But to perform the exercises you need to very carefully. In the acute period of the physical education classes are contraindicated. Only subsided the pain may begin gradually to do.

Exercise will improve blood circulation in the spine, strengthen the muscles. Because of the flow of blood, improves the metabolism and to start a recovery of the intervertebral discs. But we must also remember that the lessons must be done regularly, otherwise the result will be.

Exercises with the defeat of the cervical

  1. Lie on your back and straighten. Put one hand on your belly and the other on the chest and take a deep breath, but I breathe for 10 minutes, then exhale and relax. Duration of exercise 3 – 5 minutes. The day you need to perform 3-5 times.
  2. Lie on your stomach and straighten the legs. Based on the belly and legs need to raise the head and the upper part of the chest. Exercise 3 – 5 minutes with intervals of 30 seconds.
  3. Lie on your back and bend your knees. In this position, turn to the right and the left. Exercise 3 – 5 minutes with intervals of 30 seconds.

Exercises with the defeat of the department of maternal

  1. Lie on your stomach. Press your hands on the floor and cave ago. Hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds. Exercise 3 – 5 minutes with an interval of 20 seconds.
  2. Lie on your back. Raise the head and legs ("boat"). Hold the position for 10-20 seconds. Exercise 3 – 5 minutes with an interval of 20 seconds.

Exercises with the defeat of the lumbar

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees and push their chest. Go ahead and ahead and roll the spine onto the pelvis, and vice versa. The swing to 2 minutes. Then calmly lie down and relax.
  2. Need to stay on all fours and make four as much as possible. Exercise 3 – 5 minutes with an interval of 20 seconds.
  3. In the standing position, imagine that spinning circle for 2 – 3 minutes. Exercise perform 10 times per day.

The surgical treatment

In the absence of effect of conservative treatment and the onset of complications of degenerative disease of the disk, it is assigned to the surgical treatment. During operations, carry out the stabilization of the spine, remove the pressure on the spinal cord and roots. If a person has a herniated disc – is deleted. As well as when you do this, it is possible to damage the spinal cord, and nerves, is done only if the indication is vital.

Physiotherapy treatment

The appointment of physiotherapy has a positive influence on the course of the illness and accelerate the recovery process. Osteochondrosis of the permit:

  • sauna or bath;
  • swimming in the pool;
  • massage;
  • the wax;
  • chiropractic;
  • laser therapy;
  • various tanks;
  • mud
  • electrophoresis with anti-inflammatory properties means or muscle relaxants;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • The’ 'arsonval.

All of these procedures, to improve circulation in the diseased area, allow you to relax the muscles and get the relaxation of the whole body. Physiotherapy granted in the period of rehabilitation, when the patient does not care about the pain is strong.


From degenerative disc disease, no one is immune. After all, all we age, and along with we get older and our body. For the disease has not ruined your plans, it is still necessary with the young people to do sports. Moderate exercise helps improve the circulation of the blood, the normal metabolism. Also exercise the muscles that protect the spine. For the prevention of degenerative disc disease, each person must:

  1. eat properly – vitamins and minerals essential for the body;
  2. abandon the bad habits;
  3. do more exercise;
  4. do not slouch;
  5. protect your back by hypothermia;
  6. do not lift objects that are too heavy;
  7. showers and temperate;
  8. avoid the stress.

People who suffer from this disease it is particularly important to comply with all the recommendations, because their non-observance entails an aggravation. When you receive the back pain, that long does not pass, it is necessary to seek professional help. Only your doctor will be able to provide the right diagnosis and prescribe a treatment.

Do not tighten too much with the visit to the clinic, because the disease is best treated in the early stages. Also, it's not worth of medication – every drug has its contraindications, of which you cannot know. Follow all recommendations of the doctor and then the disease will soon back down!