The pain in the back between the shoulder blades: causes and treatment of pain

And quite rare is the pain between the shoulder blades, the causes of which most people are not known. Many consider it only a "misunderstanding", that soon will be held for him. And many then to wonder, in the face of serious diseases. The problem is the type of pain is seldom very strong, in particular because the department of spine sedentary. And the people, for the most part, prefer to ignore it, and not go see a doctor. But the causes of this syndrome, the most severe. What, then, does serve the cause of such pain?

the pain between the shoulder blades

The disease, which leads to the appearance of pain between the shoulder blades

In the first place, of course, problems with the spinal column. The most common causes in this case are:

  • kyphosis of the spinal column;
  • kyphoscoliosis;
  • disc protrusion in the thoracic spine;
  • osteochondrosis of the spine;
  • scoliosis;
  • spondiloartrosi;
  • shoulder-scapular periarthrosis;
  • neuralgia intercostal.

But the backbone is not the only possible reason. The pain of this type may appear and diseases of other internal organs. So, very often, the cause of the pain is coronary artery disease and angina pectoris. It is clear that with this disease attempts to cure the spinal column does not lead anywhere, the cause of the pain in another place.

Also the syndrome of the pain between the shoulder blades can cause diseases such as severe diseases of the lung and of the pleura, diseases of the liver and gallbladder (hepatitis, cholecystitis), peptic ulcer disease.

It is worth mentioning the reason as "occupational diseases". In this case the problem is related to the specific nature of the work, and more precisely – and low-mobility and a sedentary job. In this case, faced with the weakening of the muscles and ligaments of the back in combination with a long tension of the muscles located in the shoulder girdle. A problem often faced typist, operators of the PC, the designers, the seamstresses, drivers etc

Note that, in general, of the thoracic spine is very sedentary, which is why the various processes dystrophic are developing in it pretty rarely. In other words, the same backbone quite rarely becomes the cause of these pains. Very often this pain speaks about the problems of the internal organs, and the most common cause is a muscle spasm, that are in the queue is invariably black, but also a problem of the tendons and ligaments.

When the pain is caused by problems in ligaments and tendons, is different bursting sensations, which do not disappear once and when you change the position of the body. The pain has the property distributed over nearly the whole of the spinal column, and in some cases gives in the area of the heart. For this reason sometimes there are problems with defining the exact location of the pain.

The diagnostic difficulties

As you can see, the reasons for the occurrence of pain in the back between the shoulder blades a lot, which seriously hampers the diagnosis. To establish an accurate diagnosis the physician often must spend a lot of research, which at first sight are not connected between them. For example, many do not understand why after x-ray and magnetic resonance imaging should be sent for examination by a cardiologist and make an electrocardiogram. And all because the doctor needs to exclude all possible causes of pain, by calling attention to the more serious heart disease, back pain, herniated intervertebral disc, etc.

This is the reason of pain is often found in the muscles, that the doctors know, but they only have the duty to exclude all other possible diagnosis, especially if the prescribed treatment brings quick result.

The treatment of pain in the back between the shoulder blades

Of course, that the treatment of pain in this case is fully determined delivered the diagnosis, and as a result could be completely different. But since we have already understood that often the reason is hidden in the muscles, we try to understand exactly with this option.

When a source of pain are the muscles, manifests itself in a burning sensation (burning) and the weight in the area between the shoulder blades. But if this is sufficient to move the shoulders or repeatedly shake hands, and the pain is back, and in general, will be held. Worse, when the pain is "dona" in the area of the heart and after the changes of the body once it passes – the symptoms are characteristic of diseases of the spine and the heart.

Risk Area

As we have already said, often this disease affects people or you lead a sedentary life, or this is a specific trait of their profession. In particular, employees, operators of the PC, programmers, cashiers – all of them are forced to spend a lot of time in one position (the back a little bent, head low, work only for the hands). Then it begins to violate your posture, weaken muscles and ligaments of the back, appears the risk of scoliosis, which (taking into account the child's age) will not be so easy to care for.

Characteristic is the fact that very often a variety of diseases of the vertebral column develop between the people who lead a sedentary life. Only the reason of the pain already going to be a whole – back pain, spondiloartrosi, etc. In this case, the person a priori and will have to undergo prolonged treatment. So don't forget the old adage that says that movement is life.

What to do and how to treat?

Unfortunately, almost none of the above-listed diseases not treated in the home folk remedies. Painkillers only give temporary and quite tricky effect, not being, in fact, the treatment. And medical gymnastics, which is the mainstay of treatment of many diseases of the spine (applies and in the treatment of muscle problems) will also be assigned a doctor. In addition, the doctor must collect exercises under the your specific case, in the opposite case, physical THERAPY will be ineffective. So, in any case, a visit to the doctor is necessary.

Probably, you will be assigned anti-inflammatory drugs, various treatments of physiotherapy, massage and physiotherapy. However, the THERAPY is assigned only in the downward movement of the pain.

It's also worth staying in the various procedures of physiotherapy. This method of treatment is the accessories, which includes the electrophoresis, treatment with ultrasound, magnetic therapy, various types of electrotherapy, manual therapy, reflexology and spa treatments. These methods can rarely eliminate the cause of the appearance of the pain, but well eliminate the same pain, facilitating the life of the patient.

So that when the pain between the shoulder blades, you should immediately seek medical attention. When you are in need of advice of different specialists – kidney disease, neurologist, rheumatologist, and cardiologist. In the future, you may need the help of a massage therapist and a chiropractor.

The prevention of pain


The only reliable way of prevention in this case is an active life style, no excess loads and bad habits. It is necessary to maintain a certain physical activity, always follow the posture, sleep in the right conditions and move properly. Yes, the prevention requires constant monitoring behind them, and of his life, but it is much easier to cure a variety of diseases of the spine, muscles and ligaments of the back.