Why back pain after sleep: what are the diseases that can develop, treatment methods

There are some recommendations of orthopedics for the choice of bed, mattress and pillow. Must be comfortable and does not cause curvature of the spine during the night. The best place to buy special mattresses, mattresses and pillows.

back pain after sleeping

In this article not only explains, why back pain after sleep, and gives practical tips orthopedic on how to arrange their bed for rest. also is a list of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in which they experience similar symptoms. You will learn on this page, on what I should do for a timely diagnosis of the disease and the physician should refer to the conduct of an effective and safe treatment.

The causes of back pain during the night

All of the causes of back pain during the night can be divided into physiological and pathological. The first group includes all those changes that occur with the tissues of the body during the night under the influence of the council of the hormone melatonin.

This substance is generated, the epiphysis, which is responsible for regulating biological rhythms in the newspapers of the work of the human body. Begins to emerge and distinguish themselves in the blood only at a certain time of the day (the interval between 21:00 and 23:00 local time). To the correct of the products is necessary a complete darkness. if you are used to sleeping before the tv on, none of which good night of rest and speech cannot go. Before the shimmering screen tv, tablet, laptop or smartphone production of the hormone melatonin, is not the case.

This substance is responsible for many processes in the human body:

  • the day in actively working muscles frame back accumulates a large amount of metabolites of lactic acid for the disposal responds to melatonin;
  • for the recovery of the intervertebral discs, it is necessary relaxation not only muscles, but ligaments longitudinal – also their beneficial action has the melatonin;
  • this substance also stabilizes the functioning of the nerve fibers, it begins to conduct impulses more slowly, in slow motion;
  • starts the process of muscle relaxation and of relaxation;
  • it has stabilizing action on the respiratory and cardiovascular system;
  • understand the mechanism of activation of the "zone of regeneration" for the startup expenses of the process of production of somatotropin, growth hormone (is involved in the process of recovering all the damaged, for the day of the tissues of the body at the cellular level).

All of these mechanism, and direct during the night the human body is completely rebuilt, has offset your energy balance and freed from the accumulation of products of cellular degradation.

Physiological causes of the onset of back pain during the night include the factors that hinder the normal course of all these processes. These aspects of negative impacts, such as:

  • bad organized a place to sleep at night;
  • sleep with the light on or in front of the tv;
  • uncomfortable posture of sleep;
  • tight clothing from the night;and
  • insomnia and causing its factors (for example, frequent urination);
  • eat shortly before going to sleep.

Important before going to bed ventilate the room, make every day the same rituals (bathing, dressing in pajamas, brushing teeth, etc.). All this helps to prepare the body and the pineal gland for the secretion of melatonin, and complete the recovery process of the entire body.

If the restless sleep, the muscles cannot relax and they do not appear lactic acid and metabolites. Accordingly, in the morning, after waking up can be felt pain in him, the tension, the stiffness of the movements.

After a night of sleep back pain: pathological causes

Now, let's consider the pathological reasons, why back pain after the sleep, what diseases can cause the appearance of this symptom. let's start with the overview of anatomy. Then, the back is a caption of a part of the body. It includes the area of the collar to the neck, chest, back and pelvis.

The spine is the reference mechanism, consisting of the vertebral bodies and share their depreciation of the intervertebral discs. The integrity, the stability and the flexibility of the spine provides ligaments. The power and the blood supply of the intervertebral discs provides the muscular structure in the back. He himself is responsible for the commission of all movements of the body.

The ribs form the thoracic cage, in which are hidden the vital organs (heart and lungs). The breath is ensured through the work of the intercostal muscles. Their innervation at the expense of branches of the root nerves.

If the back pain after sleep, the causes may include the following diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  1. ankylosing Spondylitis or ankylosing spondylitis (a degenerative joint disease, mainly affecting individuals of the male sex, which manifests itself in the early stages of pain in the early hours of the morning);
  2. the curvature of the spine in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine (kyphoscoliosis, scoliosis );
  3. low back pain and its complications – this disease causes more than 80% of back pains after a night of sleep;
  4. the instability of the state of the vertebral bodies (during the night the muscular structure of the back relaxes, and the vertebrae begin to move, that after the awakening gives pronounced pain syndrome);
  5. spondiloartrosi and other disorders of the spinal column;
  6. the weakness and dystrophy intercostal muscles (often similar has been observed in individuals for a long time were in the department of resuscitation of an apparatus of artificial ventilation).

There are other reasons, why after a night of sleep and a sore back – are connected with the defeat of the nerve fibers and muscle tissue. These can be the following pathological conditions:

  • endocrine pathology, resulting in an accumulation of metabolites in the muscle tissue;
  • insufficiency of blood leads to a partial of muscular dystrophy;
  • syndrome root with violation of the nerves causes the appearance of symptoms of pain in the throat;
  • the infection certain types of virus and bacteria causes the development of inflammation of the nerve endings (for example, herpes zoster is caused by the herpes virus).

Injuries, diseases of internal organs (pneumonia, pleurisy, tuberculosis, hernia of the diaphragm), high -, exercise – all of this can cause pain in the back during the night's sleep.

I hurt the muscles of the back in the morning, after a sleep – diagnostics

the pain in the back

The diagnosis of the disease is the only true path to healing through the use of correct treatment is prescribed. In nature there exists a remedy for any pain. Pharmacological agents from a group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory funds also do not solve the same pain, they clean the inflammation. And powerful narcotic pain origin to "interrupt" the consciousness of the patient, does not allow him to recognize the danger signals enter the brain of the tissue injury.

Back pain after sleep is a sign of the difficulties, the development of the disease. It is necessary to perform a full diagnosis and identify pathological changes.

All of these investigations may require the family doctor and therapist. If the pathology of the internal organs will be excluded, it is necessary to perform an examination of your spine. Fix the the primary localization of pain. Looking for more recognize exactly the point they hurt the back muscles after sleep and in which department of the spine that manifests itself in the increased stiffness. So you need to make x-ray photos of the department in different projection. He will eliminate most of the pathologies of the vertebral column and the intervertebral discs.

What to do if after a sleep and a sore back

The first thing to do, if after the sleep back pain, is to carry out a review of its bed. must be organized in line with the modern requirements of ergonomics and health and hygiene. Here are just some of the advice of an orthopedic doctor for the organization space for a night of sleep:

  • this should be a separate room with blackout curtains and tez sources of electromagnetic radiation (tvs, screens and monitors);
  • the bed must have elated the cylinder head;
  • the cushion should be elastic and not very high, best to a rectangular shape;
  • bedding should be made of natural materials.

The second action – to visit an orthopedic doctor. An expert will help you in the early stages of revealing a dangerous pathology (back pain, scoliosis, hernia, alzheimer's disease Bechterew etc).

The third is to develop an assigned medical treatment immediately. There is not a single regulation for the treatment of back pain after sleeping, because it is not a disease independently, but only as a clinical symptom, which can accompany a large number of diseases. And the treatment for all of these diseases can vary greatly.

Then to find a solution to his problem, on the internet is not only useless, but also dangerous. Much better to spend 30 minutes of my personal time, to visit an orthopedic doctor at our clinic, manual therapy and find out the exact cause of the back pain after sleep.