What to do, if it hurts the lower part of your back?

hurts the lower back

The low-back pain can make a person totally incompetent, as well as to walk, to move and also be with this symptom can be very problematic.

This article discusses the possible causes of pain in the lower part of the spinal column. Describes the manifestations of diseases, methods of diagnosis and treatment.

The problem of painful events in the area of the spine that is most relevant to the elderly. But even doctors often collects complaints about the fact that the back pain in the lower spine, by people of younger age.

Pain is a signal about any problems in the body. She is not a disease, most often, is the manifestation of some disease. Various types of lesions of the axial skeleton are the most frequent causes of pain in the lumbo-sacral.

The causes of pain in the spine and the symptoms of the disease, its cause

The pain in the back at the bottom of the spine can be the cause of various diseases of the back. Amazed can be of any structure of the spine — the joints, discs in the spine, muscles, ligaments, tendons.

Predisposing factors to the development of diseases are:

  • injury;
  • age-related changes;
  • sedentary life-style;
  • systemic diseases;
  • the excessive load on the spinal column;
  • the excess of weight;
  • some of the infections.

There are a number of diseases in which the pain in the lumbar-sacral is expressed more intensely, which violates the life-style of the person.

Table no. 1. Diseases of the spine and their events:

Disease The symptoms
Ankylosing Spondylitis — is a chronic inflammatory disease of the spine. Often develops in the joints in the lumbar-sacral spine. The disease develops gradually. The symptoms occur depending on the stage. In the initial phase of the disease is almost asymptomatic. In the morning it hurts at the bottom of the spine, and some limitation of mobility. These symptoms disappear after a strenuous exercise. While the development of the disease, the symptoms are improved. In a next step, we develop typical for this disease, deformation of the spinal column — laying of the applicant (photo).
Hernia lumbar — diverticulum of the pulposus of the nucleus of the disc beyond the space between two vertebrae. The main symptom is a sharp pain under the vertebral column. Appears because of violations of the nerve roots. The pain can give the buttock and the leg. We observe a reduction of the amplitude of the movements, it becomes difficult to squat, climb the stairs. Is this a violation of the sensitivity of the skin in the affected area — the worse the feeling of cold or hot.
Lumbo-sacral back pain — degenerative-dystrophic disease of the vertebral column and the intervertebral discs. The disease manifests itself with pain in the area of the buttocks and reducing the tone of the muscles of the calf. This becomes the cause of limitation of physical activity. Patients complain of fatigue, lack of energy. The pain of the vertebral column at the bottom does not allow you to select a comfortable position for sleeping, so the body can rest. Increases the sensitivity of the foot, they occur cramps. The skin of the limbs, and dry, scaly,.

In addition to diseases, pain in the lower part of the spine can also cause diseases of internal organs. Therefore, the appearance of symptoms of pain, is it necessary to go to a health facility for diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

Methods of diagnosis

Methods of diagnosis

Before prescribing a treatment, the doctor needs to find out the causes of the pain. Given the difficulty of establishing a diagnosis, are used all the possible methods of research.

In preview, the diagnosis is still in the stage of investigation and inspection of the patient. To confirm it is necessary to perform laboratory tests and instrumental research.

  1. Analysis of blood, urine, tissue, bone. The analysis data may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process, rheumatoid factor, various infections, increase in uric acid levels.
  2. The x-ray. The radiograph shows the state of the bones of the vertebral column, the presence of osteophytes, the height of the joint space. Just in the x-rays you can see the presence of intervertebral hernias.
  3. Computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. The procedures allow to study the spinal column and the pelvic bones, layers to explore the nearby soft tissues, to identify the presence of cancerous growths.

Timely diagnosis helps prevent complications and improve the effectiveness of the treatment.

What should be the treatment

Treatment of pain in the spine lumbosacral depends on its cause, sent for his elimination. The individual therapy.

But in any case, it must be integrated:

  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • therapeutic exercise;
  • traditional medicine.

When the back at the bottom, it is necessary to reduce the work load on it. To do this, the patient is assigned to bed rest and had to wear braces — corsets, bondage, lumbar orthoses, and times.

Overweight people required to comply with a low calorie diet. It is necessary to eliminate from the diet of fatty, fried foods, meats, preserves, baked goods and confectionery.

The disease in the early stages amenable to conservative therapy. When the execution of diseases need a surgery. More and more often go minimally invasive operations that are less traumatic, reduces the rehabilitation period.

Medical therapy

The treatment of drugs occupies an important place in the correction of pathologies of the axial skeleton, and leads to an improvement of the condition of the patient with the right mix of medications. Drug therapy aims to eliminate the causes and the symptoms of the disease, restore the function of the spinal column.

The price for medications can be very high, but without them it is impossible to obtain positive results.



Almost all healthcare facilities dealing with the treatment of muscle-skeletal system, offer patients to alleviate the state with the help of a variety of physiotherapy. Physiotherapy is considered to be an effective method, as well as after its application reduces the pain and inflammation, improve the circulation and nutrition of the joint tissues, accelerates the recovery of the whole organism in general.

  1. Electrophoresis. With the help of galvanic voltage in the tissue of the spinal column are introduced to drugs. With this dose of the drug is reduced, but this does not diminish its effectiveness.
  2. Laser therapy. Reinforced the beam of light strikes the nerve roots and eliminates the neurological symptoms. It stimulates the regeneration of damaged tissues.
  3. The magnetic therapy. This is the most effective method for the treatment of degenerative disc disease lumbar. The electromagnetic field of low frequency improves blood circulation and restores mobility in the lumbar region.
  4. Ultrasound. The ultrasonic waves to effectively eliminate the pain and the inflammation. Have a firming effect on the affected area.

The treatment can be continued in the nursing homes, where patients are all types of therapeutic baths, showers, mud.

Therapeutic exercise

Therapeutic exercise

PHYSIOTHERAPY in diseases of the lumbosacral spine is assigned after a comprehensive investigation of the patient in order to exclude concomitant diseases and complicated forms of diseases that may cause the deterioration of the condition of the patient.

The patient is given detailed instructions for the execution of the exercises:

  • training must be regular;
  • the pace of execution of the exercises — slow, with the constant supervision of well-being;
  • the exercises are performed smoothly without sudden movements;
  • it is not possible to change the intensity and order of exercises;
  • the lessons you come to a stop when the amplification of pain in the lumbar region;
  • during the breaks, useful to hang on the horizontal bar in the space of a minute.

With a complex of exercises is available, watching the video in this article.

Folk remedies

A person feels uncomfortable huge, when it hurts me underneath the spinal column. Therefore, in the course are all ways to resolve this pain. Together with the conventional treatment used and the traditional medicine.

There are many, proven by centuries of funds that help to fight with manifestations of painful diseases of the spine:

  1. A compress of black radish. Grate the root, squeeze them and mix with the sour cream. On the back of it put this mass, cover with plastic wrap and tie with a wool cloth. Keep half-an-hour, and avoid strong burning sensation.
  2. Honey rubbing. The lower part of the back intensely pound of honey to normalize the circulation of the blood. The procedure is performed before going to sleep.
  3. The heating dry heat. Sew fabric bag and fill it with buckwheat, salt, or cherry seeds. Warm in the oven or microwave and attach to the back.
  4. The infusion cinquefoil. Root dry cinquefoil medium-sized chopped and pour half a liter of vodka. Insist month. Take a teaspoon 3 times a day.

The effectiveness of popular recipes from a long time recognized of the official medicine. But before their application, it is necessary to consult your doctor.

Folk remedies for the treatment of back pain are prepared with natural ingredients

The state, when a person has a sore back, below the spine feels uncomfortable, requires immediate medical treatment. Promptly provided medical care reduces the risk of complications.