Back pain in the lumbar region: the causes, the treatment

Lower back pain is a common symptoms in the modern world. Virtually every person he met with her. It is noted that often the back pain in the lumbar region, and in urban areas. And are suffering from bad symptom to a greater extent in women. There is the belief that the discomfort of back pain occurs in people of age. Scientists at Denmark completely debunked. According to their research, the ugly, the syndrome appears to be still in its infancy or adolescence. With the passage of time has only improved. So it is very important to respond promptly to early warning signals and proceed to the treatment of the disease.

back pain in the lumbar region

Possible causes of discomfort

You should know that not only women have back pain in the lumbar region. Unpleasant symptoms are many, many people. Since the onset of pain affect the conditions in which a person lives, employment, and, without doubt, an attitude towards life.

The doctors, faced with numerous complaints from patients, carry a list of simple reasons, including back pain in the lumbar region:

  • obesity;
  • weak muscles of the trunk;
  • high growth;
  • the lack of physical exercise;
  • heavy physical work;
  • pregnancy;
  • specific to the profession (e.g., the driver);
  • some types of sports (swimming, heavy athletics, ice hockey);
  • personality disorder (hysteria, hypochondriasis), depression;
  • the work, which requires frequent rotations of the trunk and slopes.

Sources, causing a bad pain syndrome in the lumbar region, are very different. Many of them are completely not represent a danger. However, there are those in need of urgent and appropriate treatment.

Mali, causing the onset of back pain

The causes that lead to occurrence of unpleasant symptoms, is counted in the tens. However, you should understand: if a strong back pain in the lumbar region, a source of discomfort, probably, hiding in the disease. Of course, it is subject to rapid maturation. Do not forget that the first step to resolve the unpleasant feeling is to understand the reason for back pain in the lumbar region.

The doctors unpleasant syndrome is divided into:

  1. Primary. To him we refer the musculo-skeletal disorders. This pathology associated with degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the spine.
  2. Secondary. In this case the painful discomfort caused by various diseases.

The primary syndrome are the following disorders:

  1. Low back pain. Happens the defeat of the bone and cartilage. These changes are dystrophic forecasts. Broken the intervertebral disc and adjacent vertebrae.
  2. Spondiloartrosi. It is a form of osteoarthritis. Happens the defeat of the joints, intervertebral, which are responsible for the mobility of the spinal column. These people usually complain that often in the morning with back pain in the lumbar region.

Secondary syndrome doctors include a variety of causes of discomfort:

  1. The scoliosis, but also of other diseases related to growth.
  2. The defeat of the bones, triggered by a violation of the metabolism. Here are osteomalacia, osteoporosis.
  3. Inflammatory processes, in the possession of the non-transmittable character. Bad syndrome can be caused Reiter's syndrome, ankylosing Spondylitis disease or rheumatoid arthritis.
  4. Tumors, localized on the vertebrae (primary or caused by metastases).
  5. Fracture of the vertebrae. It is extremely serious cause of discomfort in acute.
  6. Infectious diseases of various kinds, which can lead to the defeat of the vertebrae or intervertebral discs: tuberculosis, brucellosis, epidural abscess.
  7. The state of stroke. In consequence of it occurs in acute violation of the spinal circulation. The phenomenon often causes a feeling of pain in the back.
  8. Diseases of the GASTROINTESTINAL tract. For example, if the back pain in the lumbar region right, then you can go on to acute appendicitis atypical losses. What causes symptoms of intestinal obstruction.
  9. Diseases of the organs present in the pelvis (diseases of the kidneys, of the genitourinary system).
pathology men

Pathology in men

Representatives of the stronger sex, very back pain in the lumbar region because of the following reasons:

  1. The prostatitis. The disease is characterized by an inflammatory process of the prostate gland.
  2. The malignant tumors. Can occur in men after the age of 50.
  3. Hyperplasia genitals. In this case, the proliferation of the cells and you experience pain, it is spreading in the lumbar region, back, belly.

Women causes

The beautiful floor can experience discomfort due to:

  1. Gynaecological pathology. The pain can cause with fibroid, gonorrhea, adhesive disease. The source of the discomfort can be: ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, uterine fibroids, vaginitis, trichomoniasis.
  2. The menstrual cycle. The pain is described as the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues. Therefore, the woman feels pulling on the back pain and it clashes with the appearance of swelling.
  3. Pregnancy. In the body occur characteristic changes. Thus, many of the future mothers experience discomfort unpleasant.

The back pain caused by pregnancy

Pregnant woman often experiences discomfort unpleasant. The doctors explain why the back pain in the lumbar area, as follows:

  1. The hormonal changes. It is known that in a woman's body increases the level of relaxin. He leads to the relaxation of the ligaments and joints. As A result of such exposure are not always able to cope with an increase in the load.
  2. The increase of the fetus. Because of this natural phenomenon for women in pregnancy occurs a shift of the center of gravity. Consequently, an increase in the load on the spine.
the back pain during pregnancy

The discomfort after childbirth

However, not only the pregnant women experience an unpleasant condition. Some women complain that after giving birth back pain in the lumbar region. These symptoms may persist because of the following reasons:

  1. There is a strong divergence of the bone tissues, muscle. When the pregnancy occurs the movement of the internal organs. Ligaments, their possession, and stretched. Most of the bodies attached to the vertebrae. That's why after giving birth can occur back pain.
  2. Happens stretching of the abdominal muscles. After the birth, are still in a state of tension.
  3. The excess weight a woman gained during pregnancy.
  4. The divergence of the bones. This process occurs directly before the birth. This helps to protect your child from injuries. The recovery period happens in a different way. Therefore, very often women find that after giving birth back pain in the lumbar region.
  5. An accident. During the birth you may experience some discomfort. For example, the movement of the joints.
  6. The load on the spine. The first time after the birth, when the woman is not yet fully recovered, pain discomfort may result in dressing up, eating, wearing, bathing the newborn.

Endure pain is not necessary. It is necessary to consult a doctor and understand the origin of the discomfort. This will allow in a timely manner to eliminate bad, causing pain factors and overcome the course of treatment.

Causes of pain in left side

The source of the discomfort can be the most different conditions. Sometimes this is the result of staying for a long time in an uncomfortable position. And in some cases - tumor. Then, if the back pain in the lumbar region left, the causes of disease should not try alone. You need to seek medical attention.

The most common causes for the left discomfort, - pathology of the spine, such as curvature, low back pain, herniated disc.

However, often as the result of other diseases or back pain in the lumbar region left. Causes of discomfort can be enclosed in the following:

  1. Myositis. After the physical stress or hypothermia occurs, the inflammation of the muscles. The discomfort is quite intense and makes it difficult to deep breathing. When the movement is strengthened.
  2. Kidney diseases. In this case, the pain is usually traction, in pain. You can indicate diseases such as hydronephrosis, nephroptosis, pyelonephritis, kidney stones, and sometimes malignant education. If you are experiencing renal colic, pain brings cutting edge, a strong character.
  3. Diseases of the digestive system. Pathology of the stomach, liver, intestine, pancreas can cause mancini pain. Especially when the flow of diseases in the chronic form. If very severe backache in the lumbar region left, and when you feel the tension of the muscle tissues of the stomach, such symptoms can signal dangerous conditions: intestinal obstruction or peritonitis.
  4. Pathology of the heart. At times, angina pectoris or myocardial infarction can result in discomfort in the back. Usually the pain is felt under the left a shovel in hand. Accompany this pathology of the panic and the fear of death.

In addition to the above reasons, the discomfort in the left pane of the lumbar can be called pleurisy, pneumonia.

What to do?

The pain syndrome - is first and foremost a signal of danger. It is thus that the body makes to understand that there is a problem in the functioning of organs or systems. Then ignore it is not necessary. Also, it is very dangerous to self medicate. Because the reasons that cause the bad guy discomfort, many.

If the back pain in the lumbar area, what to do? Initially consult a doctor. If the discomfort carries sharp, strong of character, call the rescue services. In those cases, when the source painful was it was the fall or a severe contusion, it is recommended that you consult your doctor.

If necessary, the therapist will send to the board at the neck of professionals:

  • gastroenterologist;
  • orthopedic surgeon;
  • proctologist, gynecologist;
  • pulmonologist, cardiologist;
  • nephrologist, urologist.

Methods of treatment

After that you will be identified the sources that are causing the discomfort, the doctor will prescribe an appropriate therapy. If the back pain in the lumbar region, to cure the disease, can only be determined after the examination.

The techniques of appropriate therapy completely depend on the origin of the disease:

methods of treatment
  1. Hernia, back pain. During the acute period, the patient is recommended the respect of the rest. Benefit special bandage that will relieve congestion in the lower part of the back. In addition, you are assigned medications: NSAIDS, analgesics, block. Excellent results can be reached thanks to the physiotherapy, PHYSIOTHERAPY. In the absence of a positive effect of the patient may be recommended surgery.
  2. Diseases of the skin. To combat these diseases, such as urethritis, cystitis, inflammation of the appendages, is used in a complex therapy. The patient is assigned immunostimulants, antibiotics, antiviral drugs, vitamins, anti-inflammatory drugs, hormones. The choice of medication depends on the flow, the shape, the stage of the disease and the individual characteristics of the body of the patient.
  3. GASTROINTESTINAL disease. The pain in the lumbar area can cause: appendicitis, pancreatitis, ulcer, enteritis, ulcerative colitis. You should not try to choose their own therapy if acute back pain in the lumbar region. To treat this condition, can say only a doctor. When sudden and severe pain, you need to call an ambulance. If you suspect pancreatitis, to alleviate the suffering of the patient, it is possible to drugs "Drotaverin" or "no-spa".
  4. The renal disease. Often these disorders very bright to be known. Then an effective method of assistance is called "first aid". When kidney disorders useful cranberry juice, cranberries.
  5. Pathology of the heart. If the pain begins in the left shoulder blade, fast, covers the chest and is spreading rapidly on the left arm, the lower part of the back, a leg, you should immediately call an ambulance. This characteristic signs of myocardial infarction. Any delay is extremely dangerous.
  6. Post-partum pain. If the discomfort is related to the differences of the bones, a woman may be assigned chiropractic. Regular massage will not bring relief. And in some situations it can also do harm. If serious injury is missing, will bring relief to physical therapy. Furthermore, young mothers are assigned a special gymnastics.


Never resort to self-medication. The wrong therapy can be very dangerous! After all, every illness needs an individual approach. In addition, the treatment of a given disease, can cause a violation of another organ or system. Therefore, you should not experiment with your health! Contact a competent specialist that will help you eliminate the bad discomfort.