Back pain in the area of the ribs in the rear

The pain in the back below the ribs? This is a reason to be on guard, because this symptom may indicate many diseases. Then, the appearance of this symptom is not worth to treat lightly their health. Let's see in detail – this can be caused by what is necessary to pay attention to.

To begin with, you need to understand exactly how it appeared, the pain – on a background full of physical health and rest, after the heavy physical workloads, a meal, or subcooling of the body.

The most common causes of pain in the back below the ribs

Pain below the ribs appears in many different disease systems and human organs. It can often be the consequence of a recent injury or post-operative complications. Therefore, in order to understand to which doctor to ask for help, it is necessary to determine what might be causing the pain syndrome.

The cause can be:

  • gastro-intestinal tract, pancreas, gallbladder, liver;
  • the enlargement of the spleen, called sharp and chronic infections, immune disorders, anemiyami and other diseases;
  • lesions of the liver and/or spleen;
  • subdiaphragmatic abscess;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • osteochondrosis of the vertebral column;
  • the retroperitoneal hematoma;
  • pathology neuro-endocrine regulation.

Self-diagnosis for the assistance in diagnosis

To reduce a bit the list of diseases that can cause pain under the ribs, it is necessary the maximum of detail arising unpleasant feelings:

  • Determine how it is possible a more precise localization of the pain;
  • Set the locations of exact irradiation pain – that is the point at which it develops;
  • Set the strength of the pain;
  • Assess the pain – heart attack or constant, sharp or dull, stabbing;
  • If possible, install the factors that increase the pain – coughing, sneezing, deep breaths, sudden movements;
  • Determine which reduces the intensity of the pain or completely remove its heat, cold, anti-spasmodics, analgesics, a certain position of the body;
  • If you have a back pain in the area of the ribs, this can be repeated with a certain periodicity. You can try to determine exactly what contributes to the onset of pain – the time of day, exercise, communication with the food intake.

You should add that when it hurts the back, below the ribs, an important role in the diagnosis have and other signs. These include the increase of the temperature of the body, fever, nausea, vomiting.

A careful analysis of sensations in combination with related characteristics, taking into account previously identified, the diseases and the history of the development of the painful syndrome will help you to determine exactly which specialist to contact.

In addition, after having examined in detail all the characteristics of the pain and describing them to the doctor, may be substantially to help him with the formulation of an accurate diagnosis.


The possible diseases

Uncomfortable rotation of the body, too drastic change of his status or weight lifting may be the cause of back pain, called lumbago. Very often low back pain is a symptom of a disease, such as sciatica.

When this pain of different intensity, with the characteristic of diffusion in the buttock and/or leg. In the case of sciatica, the cause of the pain can be hypothermia, or physical exercise. And his gain is more often associated with the change of the position of the body, and slopes.

Also, the pain in this area of the body may be a characteristic manifestation of neuralgia of inflammatory nature. When such a violation, the intensity of the pain increase deep breath, and movement.

If you are interested in the left side of the right upper quadrant

There are a lot of options because it can hurt the back to the left under the ribs. Usually, this is due to diseases of the respiratory system, disorders of the kidneys, остеохондрозом, urolithiasis and other diseases.

Pneumonia in the bottom or the middle part is easy, bronchitis. In combination with the characteristic signs to diseases of the respiratory system – cough, shortness of breath, increase of temperature, the violation of the respiration – consult a specialist.

Pain under the rib on the left side of the body may indicate renal disease. If acute or chronic, a form of inflammation of the kidney increases, which causes distension of the capsule. In such a situation, the attack will be permanent, not very strong, that remind you more of a feeling of heaviness in the lumbar region.

Cramps gladkomyshechnoy of the muscles of the urinary tract. In this case, the pain is similar to kidney pain. She has an attack of character, gives in the groin area, and genital. It portrays spazmoliticheskimi medicines and heat.

Osteochondrosis of the pain can be of different nature. Often patients discomfort painful sensation after a night of sleep or a long stay of the body in one position. The attacks can be sharp and.

With disabilities in the work of the kidneys is necessary to go to a therapist, with signs of kidney stones often have to visit a surgeon. The treatment of the degenerative disc disease dealing with orthopedic surgeon and neurologist.

In rare cases, the heart attacks, if you defeat only in the postero-basal departments of the heart muscle, the unpleasant feelings may give the area the rib left of the page. The heart attack syndrome is characterized by a feeling of burning, high-intensity and inefficiency of the painkillers.

If you are interested in the right quadrant

As is well known, right below the flap to be the liver. Consequently, most of the problems in this place is linked to this authority. Then, if the back pain right under ribs – this may indicate inflammation of the liver, in nature, acute or chronic.

In addition to liver problems, pain in the right hypochondrium may be a symptom of problems with the gall bladder, and streets. Especially true for the diseases onset of pain after the intake of fatty foods and/or fried food.

If the pain below the ribs on the right side completed such symptoms as bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting – a sign of pancreatitis, that is, diseases of the pancreas.

Also, the pain under the ribs on the right may indicate inflammation of the lower divisions of the right lung, the inflammatory diseases of the small intestine, or irregularities of operation of the right kidney.

It is interesting to note that the disease known as appendicitis can start with pain in this area, which gradually moves to the right side of the belly.

In this way, first as a diagnosis of this or that disease, it is very important to evaluate the entire complex of signs. After you have analyzed carefully all of the symptoms, you can understand what is the nature of heart attacks.

Taking into account that the above-described conditions are pretty serious diseases – must be treated to such pain very carefully. Because self-medication analgesics only mask " the problem, but not solve it. Therefore, the best thing that you can do in these situations – seek the advice of a doctor.

The pain in the right hip back, with the back

the pain-in-side

The pain in the right side, which manifests itself as back pain – a symptom that could indicate a number of diseases, including severe. If the patient comes to a specialist in time, this will allow you to avoid fatal complications and get proper treatment.

When there is pain?

The pain on his right side, sensitive to the back – a symptom, perhaps in the following diseases.

Diseases of the respiratory system:

  • pleurisy ("dry");
  • pneumonia;
  • pneumothorax;
  • cancer of the bronchi, the lungs.

Diseases of the digestive system:

  • colic intestinal;
  • acute cholecystitis;
  • the appendicitis.

Diseases of the urinary system:

  • zabryushinnaya hematoma;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • renal abscess;
  • renal colic.

Lesions of the vertebral column, the spinal cord:

  • low back pain;
  • spondilez;
  • the hernia.

A list of possible diseases in which occurs, the pain on his right side, back, long enough. It is worth to call attention to the nature of the pain, accompanying symptoms.

Diseases of the respiratory system

The pain in the right side, which manifests itself in the back, belong among the characteristic signs of diseases of the respiratory apparatus.

Inflammation of the pleura (pleurisy) is ekssudativnym and dry, in both cases, it can appear a strong pain when breathing. When purulent form of a sharp pain on the right added defective breath with the party. The dry form refers to cutting attacks of pain, when it is in motion, cough.

The pulmonary inflammation (right side pneumonia) accompanied by symptoms such as increased temperature, wheezing in the lungs, cough. The intensity of the pain is different.

Spontaneous pneumothorax gives a sudden sharp pain that you feel in the shoulder blade.

Cancer of the lung, bronchi – diseases that show annoying pain in the back right, you can also capture scapula, right shoulder. The syndrome is triggered due to the increase in cancers, during the movements, coughing, breath.

Diseases of the digestive system


The pain, which focuses on the rear side, may indicate and problems related to the digestive system.

Acute cholecystitis – a disease in which the pain is concentrated in the upper edge, can make in the area above the shoulder, the scapula, the right shoulder. In some cases, it also combines a feeling of burning in the lower part of the back. The duration of attacks can vary from a few days to a few hours. For more symptoms – increased temperature, attacks of vomiting.

Acute appendicitis can also cause pain in the right side rear. This rare symptom appears, if appendikulyarnyy vaginalis is localized behind the cecum the colon, is increased in size.

Diseases of the urinary system

Many renal diseases can cause pain behind the right hip.

Glomerulonephritis, hydronephrosis, renal abscess, and other pathologies are marked тянущими, acute, and obtuse pain. The pain increases if the pressure on the lumbar region.

Renal colic gives a sharp pain, the same symptom may be due to thrombosis of the renal artery.

The problems of the spinal cord, vertebral column

Hernia, back pain, crushing of the nerve roots – all of these problems can cause a sharp pain, right in the back. In order to not confuse the pathology of the spine with other diseases, it is worth exploring the other signs. Back appears a sense of stiffness, attack of pain increases with movement, it gives to the chest, the limbs, the groin area. Perhaps also the appearance of numbness, "chills".

Severe pain, possible fracture of the scapula, the ribs on the right. Is activated when you cough, a deep breath, movements.

How to calculate the "sick body"?

Often those who suffer from pain, концентрирующуюся on the right side rear, do not represent, as to which specialist to turn to, with which organ of the problem. Of course, with an accurate diagnosis can choose only a specialist after the completion of a comprehensive examination.

However, there is one thing that can tell the location, intensity, and nature of the pain attacks:

  • To the right below the scapula. Maybe the problem has a neurological, is the result of crushing of the nerve. It is also possible to suspect pulmonary disease: pneumonia, pleural effusion, lung cancer.
  • Under the ribs. Here are the liver and the pancreas, is the gallbladder. Pathology of any of these organs may serve as a source of pain. If the pain in the liver control in the first place.
  • Right in the central part. Most probably the issue is related to kidney disease.
  • Lumbar the right. Painful attacks can indicate the disease and injuries of the spine, hernia. Also the probability of errors in the urinary system. In the latter case, the pain did not decline in any position.

The back pain right side can disturb the man, and in the morning. Probable problems that cause pain after you wake up, the mattress wrong, or muscular dystrophy.

If you need to call an ambulance?

They are diseases that require emergency treatment, in some cases, it is a surgery. Often the life of the patient depends directly on the speed with which comes a doctor. Definitely worth calling for an ambulance, if it appears as well as acute symptom, sudden pain, sensitive on the right side of the back. For more symptoms of weakness, fainting, dizziness.

In any case, can only appoint a medication, not passing a medical inspection. In the most extreme case you can use pain relievers to temporarily eliminate the symptom. However, to completely get rid of the pain is possible only after the elimination of the causes of its appearance.

Most of these chronic problems, and a sick man is already accustomed to any sensation that gives back, to explain the exacerbation of a chronic condition — degenerative disc disease. As a general rule, it will be so, but there are other causes.