It hurts to the left under the ribs

All of these symptoms, the physician examines, in detail, on the basis of what already promises to be the picture of the disease and a presumptive diagnosis. The pain in the stomach, and occur most often during chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, cancer of the stomach.

To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor in the first place assign fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS - research of the internal surface of the stomach with the aid of optical equipment). During the procedure, the doctor on the monitor sees the gastric mucosa, and are all available its flaws. During the research, it is possible to determine the acidity of the gastric juice, and take a piece of tissue for histological examination, if necessary. Often to establish a proper diagnosis is also assigned an x-ray.

Sometimes the pain to the left under the ribs can appear in various diseases of the pancreas. This damage in the rear, but they can appear and front. In the process of survey recorded an accurate diagnosis.

The pain may be associated with the diseases and injuries of the spleen. The spleen is located on the side and on the left side under the ribs, and is enclosed in a capsule, in which you can find many nerve endings. In some diseases of the spleen increases in volume and compresses the capsule, which leads to the appearance of headaches. Very is characterized by pain in the spleen for this infectious disease, such as mononucleosis. At the same time increases and the the liver, therefore, of pain can disturb, and in the right upper quadrant. The spleen can increase, and in some haematological diseases, for example, when the leukemia.

They are very dangerous lesions of the spleen, which can lead to rupture of this organ and a strong internal bleeding. Sometimes the rupture of the spleen is not associated with the injury, and with the disease, and may suddenly against the background of physical stress or even at rest.

Pain behind the left under the ribs can be a symptom of a disease of the pancreas or the left kidney. The pancreas is a gland located below the stomach and the head (which is located in the center and on the right pane of the duodenum), the body and the tail (which is located behind and to the left). Pain behind and to the left under the ribs can be associated with inflammatory processes or tumors of the pancreas. For example, in chronic pancreatitis the pain may appear in the center of the stomach and give the left back. When the cancer of the tail of the pancreas pain can wear constant growing character.

Pain in left side and back below the ribs can be a symptom of a disease of the left kidney. Thus, acute or chronic, left-sided pyelonephritis pain can wear stupid aching and permanent. When kidney stones pain associated with the passage of small stones. Such pain bear the name of the attacks of renal colic, will suddenly appear and lead a very strong character sharp.

Hurts with heart disease

In different heart disease can occur pain in the left side under the ribs. In coronary artery disease, and attacks of angina pain take acute a sudden the forecasts, long-lasting and can be removed nitroglycerin. If the pain does not shoot, the patient may develop a myocardial infarction.

Inflammatory and exchange-dystrophic processes in the area of the heart muscle (myocarditis, myocardiodystrophy) the pain of the heart usually are aching or pressing and are often accompanied by disturbances of the heart rhythm.

Pain osteochondrosis of the spine

Pain in left side under ribs can be a symptom of degenerative disc disease of the spine. They may be of a different nature, and low back pain easily confused with any other disease, can cause pain in the left subcostal field.

Pain to the left under the ribs can appear in many diseases. Therefore, when their appearance is better to consult a doctor immediately.

That can mean pain in the right upper quadrant left along the back to the left

That can mean pain in the right upper quadrant left

In the left part of the belly under the ribs lies the stomach, the pancreas, the spleen. In the event of an illness or injury of any of these organs can occur pain, pain that radiates to the back.


  • The sensation of pain in the right upper quadrant left often occur because of heart problems, kidney, intestine. Therefore, for correct diagnosis it is necessary to take into account all the symptoms, including the nature and location of the pain. Of course, the correct diagnosis can specialist, and on the basis of a survey, analysis.
  • Possible causes of the onset of pain, damage to the rear - diseases of the spleen and the heart. Strong приступообразная pain, which often gives to the back can be a symptom of inflammation of the spleen. And if the pain becomes very strong, strong, growing, in the attempt of the movement, and also accompanied by blue skin of the abdomen, especially in the area of the navel, it is necessary to immediately call an Ambulance, because these signs indicate a possible rupture of the spleen. Before the arrival of the doctor, it is necessary to attach to the left of the patient with a cold object, for example, an ice pack or a plastic bottle with cold water.
  • "Ambulance" is also necessary, if the pain is not just giving back, but also in the shoulder, arm, neck. Because this can make the testimony of myocardial infarction. On this same disease may indicate a lack of breath, a feeling of strong fear, shortness of breath. In these cases, it is better to be safe, why the delay with the doctor can be life-threatening.
  • Pain, pain that radiates to the back, may indicate disease of the gastro-intestinal tract. Strong burning pain, often extends into the area of the back often indicates a stomach ulcer. Another characteristic symptom of this disease - frequent retching. Ulcer after vomiting, the pain is always greatly reduced.
  • Pain in the left part of the belly are characteristic for gastritis, inflammation of the lining of the stomach. Sometimes the pain can spread and on the area of the back. If a person gastritis with acidity, pain occurs when you are hungry, and if with a reduced - after a meal. Feature: gastritis occurs, often nausea, which not happens to the ulcer.
  • In any case, should not tolerate and not to self-medicate and consult a doctor and undergo the examination. After a correct diagnosis and choose the treatment most appropriate, only a doctor can. If the pain is strong, unbearable, you can drink an anesthetic and call a technician. But in any case, it is possible to heat the place where you feel the pain.